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Personal data:
Name Gero Kurat
Born Nov. 18 1938, Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
Married since March 3 1962 to Frigga Wolf
Children Markus, born September 12 1962
Barbara, born November 26 1963
Residence Leystrasse 20C/4
A-1200 Vienna, Austria
Tel./Fax: +43 1 333 44 05
Aducation and academic:
1944 - 1952 Primary School Griffen, Carinthia
1952 - 1957 Pedagogical College, Klagenfurt, Carinthia
1957 - 1963 University of Vienna: Mineralogy, petrology, and physics;
dissertation: The Weinsberg Granite of the Southern Austrian Moldanubicum
April 2 1963 Ph. D. (Dr. phil.)
1966 Research associate, U.S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. (studies on meteorites)
1970-1971 Research associate, Institute of Meteoritics, Department of Geology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico (studies on lunar rocks)
1976 Venia Legendi at University of Vienna (petrology and cosmic petrology)
1977 Guest Professor, Instituto de Geosciencias, Universidade de Sao Paulo, S. P., Brazil (lecture on ultramafic rocks)
1979-1982 Chairman, Austrian Mineralogical Society
1993-1995 Correspond. Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
1995 Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
1999-2000 Vice President, The Meteoritical Society
2001-2002 President, The Meteoritical Society
2003 Honorary Member, Austrian Mineralogical Society
2003-2004 Past President, The Meteoritical Society
2004 Retirement
Professional career:
1962 Curator, Division of Mineralogy and Petrology, Natural History Museum, Vienna
1968-2003 Head of Division of Mineralogy and Petrology, Natural History Museum, Vienna